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Let's talk about Art Prints

  • Zanin, piccolo grande pittore
    January 11, 2022

    Zanin, piccolo grande pittore

    Il suo stile originale e la sua perizia tecnica gli consentirono di salire sulla giostra parigina, dividendo il suo tempo tra ritrattistica, frequentazioni mondane, belle donne e viaggi.

    Difficile poter etichettare la pittura di Giovanni Boldini, che era in grado di dipingere in ogni modo come voleva quando voleva. Fu protagonista in prima persona e interprete della “belle epoque”.

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  • Pitteikon al Palazzo Reale per Monet
    September 27, 2021

    Pitteikon at the Royal Palace for Monet

    From 18 September 2021 until 31 January 2022 in Milan, at Palazzo Reale, you can visit the exhibition dedicated to Claude Monet.

    There are 52 works that the Marmottan Monet Museum in Paris has lent and which represents one of the largest collections in the world of the master of impressionism.

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  • John Constable. Molto prima di Monet
    June 11, 2021

    John Constable. Long before Monet

    We are in the early 1800s. In England, two great painters, with very different personalities, carry on the same discourse: painting nature: William Turner and John Constable. Turner, for example, traveled extensively while John Constable never moved from England.  ...

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  • Van Gogh era un copione?
    April 20, 2021

    Was Van Gogh a script?

    The subject of van Gogh's painting is identical to an earlier painting by Jean Francois Millet including the smallest details. The comparison between the two styles, however, helps us to understand Vincent's choices and why he is one of the most loved and appreciated painters of all today.
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  • Dupré e le eroine di campagna
    April 16, 2021

    Dupré and the country heroines

    Julien Dupré was a painter who also exerted a great influence in -Russia, exceeding his fame. A regulated and methodical life put him outside the myth of genius and recklessness. But his paintings are simply gorgeous.
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  • Paul Klee. La casa girevole
    April 13, 2021

    Paul Klee. The revolving house

    Modern painters often take children as a model of spontaneity and simplicity. But is it really so? Paul Klee has often been associated with children, but his fine painting is far from simple.
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  • Il campo di papaveri di Claude Monet
    February 9, 2021

    Claude Monet's poppy field

    When Claude Monet painted this masterpiece he was 33 years old and it was 1873, a year before the famous Impressionist exhibition at the studio of photographer Nadar.

    Monet had just returned from a trip to England and moved to Argenteuil, a village on the Seine on the outskirts of Paris.

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  • Condividi et impera
    February 5, 2021

    Share and conquer

    Together with the indigestion of images, the internet has brought with it new possible functions of social relations.

    For those who work with the "approval" of the public, power, politics and commerce and therefore also partially for art, new horizons have opened up.

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  • Un’immagine ci seppellirà
    February 2, 2021

    An image will bury us

    Referenced scholars have calculated how many images created by man, that is paintings, drawings, frescoes and from 1850 onwards photographs, a man of the past may have seen compared to us today.
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