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Let's talk about the masterpieces of art

  • Il manoscritto Voynich
    January 12, 2021

    The Voynich manuscript

    This famous manuscript is still undeciphered. Discovered in 1912 by Wilfred Voynich, many experts have examined it to understand the writings, but without success.
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  • Vincent Van Gogh - Campo arato
    December 30, 2020

    Vincent Van Gogh - Plowed Field

    Vincent Van Gogh used strong and decisive brushstrokes without spreading the color, but using the brush to draw. Vincent, in fact, does not fill the areas with uniform color, but fills them with lines of color as if he were drawing line after line.

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  • Gustave Doré - La Divina Commedia
    December 29, 2020

    Gustave Doré - The Divine Comedy

    Gustave Dor * was an exceptional and prolific engraver. In addition to the Divine Comedy he illustrated dozens and dozens of books and even the bible. His stage inventions were used in film up to Star Wars and Shreck.
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