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Let's talk about the masterpieces of art

  • "Cristo morto" alla Pinacoteca di Brera
    January 28, 2022

    "Cristo morto" alla Pinacoteca di Brera

    Tra il 1475 e il 1478 Andrea Mantegna prende una tela, cosa rara per l’epoca, di circa cm 68 per 81, colori a tempera e crea uno dei capolavori più sorprendenti di tutti i tempi.

    Come la Gioconda di Leonardo e la Fornarina di Raffaello, Mantegna tenne “il Cristo morto” sempre con sé.

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  • Skrik. Gossip in Norvegia
    January 25, 2022

    Skrik. Gossip in Norvegia

    Questo quadro è una delle immagini più conosciute al mondo tanto che è diventato pure un “emoticon” da telefonino.

    Pochi conoscono il lavoro completo di Munch, ma questo quadro sì.

    Munch ne dipinse 4 versioni e insieme ad altri soggetti simili, tra cui un’altra opera che intitolò “Ansia”.

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  • Arte e scandali, da Manet ai contemporanei
    January 21, 2022

    Arte e scandali, da Manet ai contemporanei

    Scandalo: “Quanto turba la suscettibilità, per un eccesso di spregiudicatezza o per il dispregio delle convenzioni o della moralità corrente.” 

    Quando Edouard Manet nel 1863 dipinge “Olympia” sapeva perfettamente di creare scandalo.

    Ma come? Scandalo per un quadro con una donna nuda? Prima di Manet la storia dell’arte trabocca di nudi femminili. Perché tanto rumore per questo quadro?

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  • La Gioconda di Raffaello
    January 18, 2022

    La Gioconda di Raffaello

    Una prima corrispondenza tra il dipinto di Raffaello e il celebre quadro di Leonardo è che entrambe i pittori le tennero con loro per tutta la vita, senza mai cederle a nessuno.
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  • L'Arte africana
    December 21, 2021

    African art

    Art: any people anywhere in the world have created their own artistic expression.

    The African continent is not homogeneous, but brings together several peoples very different from each other in terms of history and culture.

    The upper part of Africa has seen ancient Egypt and today countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt again.

    Further south from Nigeria down to South Africa there is a mosaic of different ethnic groups and civilizations.

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  • Banksy, la legge e l’immagine
    December 17, 2021

    Banksy, the law and the image

    In summary, the image he wanted to create in public consideration is that of a street artist who secretly draws his figures and runs away. He rejects trade and the system made up of museums, gallery owners and auction houses.
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  • Pittori che scrivono
    December 14, 2021

    Painters who write

    There have been many painters who, in addition to painting, also gave themselves to the written word.

    De Pisis, De Chirico, Mirò, Courbet and further back the usual Leonardo da Vinci were also good at handling words.

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  • Quanti quadri bisogna dipingere per entrare nella storia dell’Arte?
    December 10, 2021

    How many paintings do you need to paint to enter the history of art?

    The opportunity to talk about paintings and numbers is offered by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam which has announced the "definitive exhibition" dedicated to Johannes van der Meer, in short Jan Vermeer, in which he will exhibit all his works.

    The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for February 2022 and, if the promise is kept, 34 works will be exhibited.

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  • Monet a Bordighera con e senza Renoir
    December 3, 2021

    Monet in Bordighera with and without Renoir

    To find "new air" Monet thinks of taking a trip, with his longtime friend August Renoir to Italy, to the coasts of Liguria.

    Monet is struck by the light and the beauty of the places, but the two friends realize their style and interest in certain subjects are different.

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