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Caillebotte: Genio e regolatezza

Caillebotte: Genius and regularity

He was born rich. Happy childhood. No economic thoughts for life. He dreamed of becoming a lawyer. It was a pillar of the Impressionists.
He graduated in law, but the Franco-Prussian war brought him to the front. Luck brought him home unscathed. He changed his mind and devoted himself to his passions, including painting. Seeing the paintings of Giuseppe De Nittis, during a trip to Naples, convinced him to devote himself to art.
He endowed himself with a solid academic preparation which he combined with his talent and the novelties of the time. The garçon riche (rich boy) befriended Degas, Nadar, Manet and the Impressionist group. Passionate participation and robust contributions of money (especially to the chronic penniless Monet) were important elements for the success of the group.
Among the 67 works he donated to the state, with skilful testamentary maneuver, not even one of his.
The great Monet said of him: "He had as many natural gifts as good feelings and, when we lost him, he was just at the beginning of his career"
A stroke killed Gustave Caillebotte at the age of 46.

The prints dedicated to Caillebotte

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