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Fino al 5 maggio 2024 sconto del 20% per ordini con consegna entro il 10 maggio 2024
Spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a € 25


How to shop on Pitteikon

How do I purchase a product on this site?

Shopping on Pitteikon is really simple.

You can buy with a few clicks all the Works offered by EIW included in the shop online Pitteikon.

Inside the card relating to the Work, click on the button Add to Cart. The selected Work will automatically be placed in yours cart and a small icon will appear at the top right, a shopping cart, which will show you how many Works you have selected for purchase.

By clicking on the button Go to shopping cart you can check your purchases and possibly modify them. Alternatively, at the bottom right of your cart icon, which indicates the number of products selected for purchase, you can click on the button See cart.

You can continue shopping by purchasing all the Works you want by clicking on the button Continue shopping: your cart will update automatically.

The content of your cart is saved for about 30 days, you can make the purchase or return later to complete your purchases.


What happened to the item I had in the cart?

Some Works on the Site may be unique pieces or available in limited numbers. As such they sell out very quickly.

If you intend to purchase, after placing the product in the cart, we recommend that you proceed quickly with the actual purchase, finalizing the operation. It is only at this moment that the Works are removed from the shop. Leaving the work in the cart pending too longor you may no longer find it available at the time of purchase or you may have to wait for it to be made available again.


How do i pay for my purchases?

The Payment Form available on the Site is the only payment process allowed to Purchasing Users of Works on Pitteikon according to the payment methods better specified at the time of order, including:

  • Credit cards (including MasterCard, Visa, American Express), debit cards and electronic payments,
  • Bank transfers.

Payment methods not expressly provided for in the Form at the time of order are not allowed.


How do I specify multiple shipping addresses?

At the time of your purchase on Pitteikon you can only provide a shipping address for the forwarding of the work ordered.

If you decide to purchase multiple Works destined for different locations, you will need to place separate orders for each Work in order to indicate the specific destination of each.


What currency is used on Pitteikon?

The official currency of Pitteikon is the euro, €.


Can I buy on Pitteikon from my mobile or other mobile devices?

The mobile device application is available and you can consult and make purchases from your smartphone or other mobile devices.



Vers. 2 August 2020