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Paul Klee “da Vinci”

Paul Klee "da Vinci"


Paul Klee was born on 18 December 1879 in Münchenbuchsee a small town near Bern. The son of a musician and a singer, he was an excellent violinist. At 19 he moved to Munich in the artists' quarter and came into contact with the greatest artists of the time and in 1905 a stay in Paris immersed him among the Impressionists.

The importance of Paul Klee for the art of the twentieth century it is comparable to that of Leonardo da Vinci in the 1400s (although Klee said: "Once you have seen Leonardo you no longer think about the possibility of making much progress").

Leonardo with his "De Pictura" and Klee with "Creative Confession" and other writings built a theoretical framework with writing and painting that were an undisputed guide to the artists after them.

Klee's fundamentals start from the affirmation that art is not reproductive, that's why there is photography.

Art must therefore not reproduce the visible, but "make visible" the invisible.

Referring to what Leibniz (1646-1716) had reported in philosophy, hypothesizing the "infinite possible worlds", Klee introduces the concept that art creates and gives meaning to the artist and his work undermined by technology. 

If for philosophy and then for modern physics the real datum is not objective, that is, it is only one of the possible ways of seeing things (think of quantum physics), the artist's task is to reveal one of the possible worlds through his skills and his sensitivity.

Transforming what we seem to see into something we didn't see before.

An abysmal difference from the abstractionism of his friend and colleague Kandinskij (they taught together at the Bauhaus) which instead brings painting into the pure Platonic conceptual "hyperuranium", assigning precise tasks to shapes and colors all determined by the idea of the painter who wants to do it. an objective theory.             

For Klee, however, Kandinsky's ideas are only one of the possibilities. for him, in any case, one can only start from the real datum. Reality is always and in any case the indispensable starting point.

In painting Paul Klee translates and practices his theoretical framework in almost 10,000 works using all possible materials and techniques.

The son chose this phrase from Paul as an epitaph: "Close to the heart of creation, but not close enough".

Art as an allegorical image of creation.

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