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Gli occhi di Monet

Monet's eyes

A rare video shows us Claude Monet while he paints: he continually moves his head from the subject to the canvas, as do all those who are "copying" from life.


For Monet, painting was about capturing the impression of reality by painting the "spots" of color that are formed through light.

The light changes, the colors change and so Monet paints the same shot at different times to capture the different colors that an identical subject can give.


The works of the last period are often considered an anticipation of abstract art. It is difficult to recognize what Monet painted.

However, I believe that this is not the case. Monet did not want to be "abstract". An abstract painting (by definition) does not collect the real data, but starts from the mind.


Monet started from the eyes.

It is known that Monet suffered from cataracts and ultimately his assistants were preparing the palette by placing the colours in a precise order so that Claude Monet could know what colour it was.


A small autobiographical note.

Already in high school (artistic of Brera) I wore glasses because I was short-sighted. There were only two of us with this defect and they made fun of us.

As an answer we had thought of replying "We, if we take off our glasses, we see things that you cannot imagine" (Blade Runner will be shot ten years later), referring to the blurring and effects that a nearsighted person sees if he takes off his glasses. It worked.

I think Monet he never abandoned the desire to paint "what he saw" and what he saw, with the eyes he had, is reproduced in the paintings of the last period.


Let's be clear: Monet was perfectly aware of the result and I think that not seeing well anymore gave him greater freedom and abandonment to pure color, to “painting”.


Whoever paints knows this feeling.

Sometimes it is painting that uses those who paint and leads him to tell and reveal different worlds that are precluded to the rational mind.

Abstract or not, it doesn't matter, this is where we can find Art.


Andrea Giuseppe Fadini

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