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Paul Klee. Paesaggio miracoloso 112… ma quella è una casa!

Paul Klee. Miraculous Landscape 112… but that's a house!



In all art history books, Paul Klee is referred to as one of the founders of abstract art.

Abstract art is opposed to "real" art because, while in the second what is painted roughly corresponds to what is seen and that everyone can see, in abstract art there are only colors and shapes in freedom.

In traditional art, a bottle, even if in infinite ways and styles, remains a bottle and just ask: what is it? And everyone knows how to answer: "A bottle!".

In abstract art you cannot ask "what is it", because there is no answer.

Abstract art is often compared to music, because it is another artistic activity where you cannot ask "what is it", that is, you cannot say: "play me a landscape!" or "I would like to hear my portrait".

Abstract art combines colors and shapes freely without describing anything but itself, a sonata describes nothing but the pleasure of the harmonies that come to your ear.

This premise is useful for explaining my surprise when I see Paul Klee's paintings and they tell me that it is abstract: in my opinion we recognize very clear things.

Let's take this painting from 1920: “Miraculous landscape”.

I observe it and in my head the idea of a house is formed, there is also a window with red curtains. In the other window, a little further to the right, you can see a person who perhaps paints.

It is clear that the arrow-shaped house is made of wooden planks, also because they are similar to those of a ship that is just nearby.

There is also the captain on the yellow bridge who happily says: "112!". Probably he is happy because the house is his: 112. And he has returned from a long journey.

The real miracle is the landscape, because it is made of the same substance as the boards of the house and the ship, so everything is connected and everything is in its place.

At the margins, things are a bit blurry, because that is how memories present themselves.

But we are safe: the warm and welcoming colors tell us so. And then we know that the horizontal lines give peace.

And this would be abstract art?

Let's call it what we want. It is the art of Paul Klee.

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